Vacancies Available At Punjab Province Safe Cities Authority PSCA

If you may want to check out the latest vacancies available at the Punjab Safe Cities Authority. As of March 9th, 2024, they’ve announced openings for several management positions in Lahore, including police communication officers. To qualify you will need a background in fields such as business administration & computer science or information technology. But the rewards for public service are immense. Apply by March 23rd if you want to help make Punjab’s cities safer. With the right motivation & qualifications this could be the good opportunity to make a difference.

Vacancies Available At Punjab Province Safe Cities Authority PSCA
Vacancies Available At Punjab Province Safe Cities Authority PSCA

Overview of Punjab Safe Cities Authority (PSCA)

Punjab Safe Cities Authority (PSCA) was established in 2016 to improve law and order situation in Punjab through technology based interventions and community participation. PSCA aims to transform policing in Punjab through using state ofthe art technologies & improved community partnerships. Some of the major objectives of PSCA are:

Effective Monitoring

PSCA monitors the law and order situation in major cities of Punjab using a network of CCTV cameras. This helps in identifying & tracking criminal activities, suspicious movements & improving emergency response. The integrated command and control centers are manned by trained police personnel 24/7.

Quick Emergency Response

PSCA has set up a network of surveillance cameras and panic alarm systems across Punjab that help in quick detection of any unlawful activity or emergency situation. 

Community Engagement

PSCA works closely with local communities and resident welfare associations to spread awareness about safety and security. It encourages people to report any suspicious activity or emergency situation through helplines, panic alarms and the PSCA mobile app. 

Coordination with Law Enforcement Agencies

PSCA works in close coordination with Punjab Police and other law enforcement agencies to strengthen security arrangements in the province. It provides critical information and data that helps the police in investigation and intelligence gathering. 

Latest Vacancies Announced by PSCA in March 2024

The Punjab Safe Cities Authority (PSCA) recently announced multiple job openings in various departments. If you are looking for an exciting career in law enforcement & security this could be your chance.

Police Communication Officers

PSCA is hiring Police Communication Officers (PCOs) to operate its state-of-the-art Integrated Command and Control Centre. As a PCO, you’ll monitor the authority’s extensive surveillance camera network and coordinate emergency response teams. Deadline
The application deadline is March 23, 2024. Do not miss this opportunity to build a rewarding career keeping Punjabs citizens & infrastructure safe & secure. With competitive salaries and benefits, PSCA offers an attractive package for qualified candidates.

Key Details on Available Positions at PSCA

Police Communication Officers (PCOs)

The Punjab Safe Cities Authority (PSCA) is looking to hire several Police Communication Officers (PCOs) for their state-of-the-art PSCA 15 center in Lahore. PCOs are responsible for receiving emergency calls and dispatching the appropriate response. Candidates should have a bachelor’s degree and be proficient in English and Urdu.

Security Supervisors

PSCA is seeking experienced security supervisors to oversee operations at the PSCA 15 center. Security supervisors manage teams checking the facility & make sure the safety of all staff & equipment. Applicants should have 3-5 years of experience in a security supervisory role, ideally for a government organization. 

IT Professionals

The technology infrastructure supporting PSCA’s operations is extensive, including thousands of IP cameras, servers, networks and software systems across Lahore. PSCA recruits IT professionals such as systems engineers, software developers & technical support specialists to help build & maintain these systems. Relevant degrees in computer science, information technology or related fields are preferred. 

Eligibility Criteria for PSCA Jobs

To apply for the vacant positions at PSCA, you’ll need to meet some basic eligibility criteria. 

Education Requirements

For most positions, a bachelor’s degree in a related field like business, computer science, or public administration will qualify you. However, for some roles like Police Communication Officer, a master’s degree may be preferred. 

Age Limit

Minimum candidate age limit is 18 years for all posts. The maximum age limit varies between 30 to 35 years based on the position and candidates’ domicile. 


You must have a domicile certificate of Punjab to apply for any post in PSCA. Preference will be given to candidates from Lahore district and adjacent districts.


The required experience varies for different posts in PSCA. For managerial positions, a minimum of 3 to 5 years of relevant experience is typically needed. For technical roles, at least 1-2 years of experience with similar technologies or systems may be required. 

Physical Fitness

Candidates applying for field operations roles like Police Communication Officer must meet the physical fitness standards set by PSCA. This includes having a minimum height, weight, and chest measurement as well as passing additional physical agility and endurance tests.

How to Apply for Jobs (PSCA) Punjab Safe Cities Authority Vacancies

To apply for the vacancies at Punjab Safe Cities Authority, you’ll need to submit an application through the proper channel. Here are the steps to apply:

Check the Eligibility Criteria

First, review the eligibility criteria for your desired role to make sure you qualify. The criteria typically include factors like education level, years of experience, skills, certifications, etc. 

Review the Job Description

Carefully read through the job description to get a sense of what the day-to-day responsibilities will be for the role. This will also help you set if the job is based your experience, interests & career goals. If after reviewing the details, you feel you would be a great match for the position, you’re ready to start your application.

Submit an Application

You will need to submit an application through the proper channel, which may be through the official Punjab Safe Cities Authority website, email, or post. Be sure to follow all instructions carefully. Typically, you will need to provide information like your personal details, education, work experience, skills, and other relevant details. 


Be prepared to discuss your relevant experience, qualifications, career goals, and why you’re interested in and a good fit for this role. 


FAQs About Vacancies Available At Punjab Safe Cities Authority PSCA

Q: What positions are available in Punjab Safe Cities Authority PSCA?

Ans: A variety of management roles are open in PSCA, including police communication officers. Authority is looking for candidates with degrees in business, computer science, information technology & related fields.

Q: What is the job location and salary?

Ans: The jobs are based in Lahore, Punjab. Salaries will depend on the position & your qualifications & experience. Police communication officers, for example, may earn 60,000 to 100,000 PKR per month. Management roles will be compensated at a higher level.

Q: What is the selection process?

Ans: The selection process typically includes:

  • Reviewing applications to evaluate candidates’ qualifications and experience.
  • Shortlisting candidates who best meet the criteria.
  • Start interviews to assess candidates for job’ skills & fit for the role.
  • Checking references to get insight into candidates’ work performance & conduct.
  • Final selection of the top candidates for job offers based on all steps in the process.


The latest job openings at Punjab Safe Cities Authority that you’ve been waiting for. Don’t miss this great chance to work for PSCA in a management role or support position. Just make sure to apply before the deadline of March 23rd, 2024. Follow all the instructions in the ad and submit the required documents. Competition will be tough, so put your best foot forward. With some effort, you may soon find yourself employed in an exciting new PSCA role. 

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